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80+ Best Quotes For Boss & Manager | Thank You Messages For Boss

Express Your Gratitude With These Thank You Messages For Boss, Manager, and Mentor.

1) I am so proud to be led forward by a person who is not only industry-renowned but is also an amazing boss. I can only hope to be half of the person that you are someday. It is a privilege to work under your leadership. Thank you!

2) I am glad that my first work experience was here and that my first boss is you. I am definitely now more sure about my career decisions that I'll be taking going forward. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

3) It’s an incredible work experience to work under a boss whose skills and talents are notable. I get to learn something new from you every day. Thank you for showing me how a great leader leads.

4) Saying "thank you" is not enough for me to express how grateful I am for your support over the years. You are my mentor, and everything I have achieved to date is because of you.

5) This is an appreciation note for a person who is all three- great boss, mentor, and manager. Your guidance and advice have been invaluable to me since I joined. I can’t thank you enough for all the help that you've bestowed upon me.

thank you boss, boss quotes


6) This is a note to express how grateful I am for the promotion. It wouldn’t have been possible without your understanding and support. Thank you for being such an amazing boss.

7) Your words of encouragement, guidance, and advice kept us sane while chasing deadlines. We just wanted to appreciate you and express how glad we are to work under your leadership. We're genuinely proud to be led by such a great boss. Thank you for everything.

8)  As a new hire, I thought that it will difficult to adjust to the work environment. But, had I known that I would get the opportunity to work under you, I needn’t have worried. Thank you for taking me under your wing since the first day itself. It has motivated me to do the same for anyone else in the future.

9) Thank you for the great review that we had the other day. You made it easier for me to understand where I need to apply my skills and talents.

10) This is a note of appreciation for taking time out of your busy day and helping me reach my goals. Without your guidance and advice, I would have been indeed at odds. Thanks for being not only a great boss but an incredible mentor as well.

Best Gifts For Boss

11) Our team really appreciates the time that you took out to guide us on our project. Thank you!

12) Even though you are the boss, you've never considered it beneath you to get your hands dirty while working on a project. Thank you for giving us the same respect and dignity you would give your professional equals. You are indeed a great leader, and all of us are proud to be led by you.

13) Dear Boss,
Among all of the farewell messages that I got, yours was the one the stood out to me. Thank you for all the years of guidance and advice you have bestowed upon me. You're the one who truly molded me into someone with valuable skills and talents. It was a privilege to work under your leadership. I hope to make you proud of my future endeavors as well.

14) Dear Boss,
Thank you for noticing and appreciating my contributions. Your words of encouragement are what drives me to do great work.

15) This might be my farewell message to you, but you know that you'll always hear from me. I can't leave without expressing how great it was working for you. Your skills and talents are renowned enough that I hope some rubbed off me as well. I learned almost everything I know about this sector from you. Thank you for allowing me to work with you.

16) It is an amazing honor for me to be promoted to [position]. I would like to thank you for trusting and showing faith in me. I assure you that I will put all my skills and talents to good use and do great work.

17) We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on the new project. Our team is really excited and looks forward to delivering the results that you expect from us.

18) To work under your leadership is the most valuable work experience that anyone could hope for. I'm looking forward to learning more about our company. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work here.

19) A note of appreciation for helping me with [topic] today. Your insights really helped put things into a new perspective and helped me complete my work on time. You’re such an amazing boss to have!

20) Working under a boss like you really helps to elevate the whole work experience. Your motivation and kindness are a few traits that make you the great leader that you are today. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best Gifts For Manager

21) We are blessed to have all three- boss, mentor, and manager- in you. While working under your leadership, we managed to learn something new every day. Thank you for everything you do.

22) We want to thank you for being patient, understanding, and support our project even when it has exceeded our deadline. We assure you that the great work we did will override our lateness.

23) I believe that our team is in a minority when others complain about having difficulty bosses. This made us realize how lucky we are to have a great boss like you who understands, supports, and guides us through every obstacle.

24) You’re truly a gem of a person and definitely a great leader. We are so happy to work under your leadership.
Thank you for understanding and supporting our decisions concerning the new project. It means a lot to us to have our boss backing us up.

25) Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on such an innovative project. Your support and advice have helped me reach where I am today. I promise to honor your belief in me by giving my absolute 100% and do great work.

26) Thank you for helping me understand what I did wrong and how to solve such issues. Your patience and guidance make it easier for me to learn, and I couldn't thank you enough for it. I promise to bring my best self to work every day and make you proud.

27) Working under your leadership has been a game-changer for me. I didn't know that a work environment could be this positive and encouraging. Thank you for everything.

28) I appreciate you letting me not worry about work when facing problems with [issue]. It has made dealing with it much easier, and now I am ready to work harder than ever before. My sincerest thanks to you.

29) I just wanted to let you know how much the bonus meant to me. Not only because of monetary reasons but because it has made me feel appreciated. It is nice working under a boss who recognizes their team as well. Thank you for being such a great boss.

30) It has been an amazing journey to work under a boss who is also a friend. To work here was one of the best decisions I made in life, all thanks to you. I hope I can use the skills and talents that you helped me cultivate and make you proud of me.

       Show Gratitude 

      • Credit: Vantage Circle



      Quotes For Boss, Manager, and Mentor.

      You can also say “Happy Bosses Day!”, especially if you have more than one boss 🙂

      Boss day, boss quotes, manager quotes


      List of Boss Day quotes

      From appreciation quotes to funny jokes, kind words, and gratitude messages, here are phrases that will help you strike the right tone this Bosses Day.

      Boss Day appreciation quotes

      1. Thank you for always seeing the best in us and wanting the best for us.
      2. I only bring my A-game because I have such an exceptional coach. Thanks for sharing your best plays.
      3. I’m living proof that you believe, “leave it better than you found it,” because I am so much better for knowing you. Thank you for always championing my growth.
      4. We see everything you do, and we appreciate you!
      5. I believe in me because you believe in me. Thank you for the confidence.
      6. It means a lot that you’re my mentor.
      7. A card or cake could never express how much you mean to us. Thank you for being our champion, our cheerleader, and our fearless leader.
      8. Thank you for never letting me settle for less than my best.
      9. You never gave up faith in me, and never let me give up faith in myself. My perseverance is thanks to you.
      10. You’re more than our boss. You’re a teacher, a leader, and a motivator. Thank you for being more than who you have to be, and inspiring us to be all we can be.
      11. Thank you for treating every mistake as a learning opportunity. I’m not afraid to fail; I’m only afraid of failing you.
      12. Forget a card; I could write a novel, and still would not have enough space to say how wonderful you are. Thank you for everything that you do.
      13. Your support is the best work perk I can think of. I feel so grateful to be on your team.
      14. Thank you for being more than my manager, but also my teammate, my teacher, my collaborator, and, on occasion, my therapist.
      15. On your team, there are no roadblocks, only speedbumps. Happy to be on this journey with you.
      16. Not only do you lend a hand, but also a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on, a strong backbone, a brilliant mind, and one of the biggest hearts around. We’re thankful for all of you.
      17. It means so much that you always make time for our questions and concerns.

       Unique Corporate Gifts

      Boss’s Day funny quotes

      1. In the immortal words of Carole King & The Gilmore Girls theme song, “Where you lead, I will follow. Anywhere that you tell me to.”
      2. Feel free to write this out and give this card to your boss.
      3. Is this a good time to ask for a raise? No? Fine, I’ll settle for cake.
      4. I’d think you were great even if you weren’t the one writing my performance reviews!
      5. I would buy you a Rolex if I could. But…bills…so enjoy this card instead!
      6. Boss. Ever.
      7. Don’t think we take you for You rock!
      8. You’re an awesome boss. You’re bossome.
      9. I fear disappointing you even more than I fear sharks. Or zombies. Or zombie sharks.
      10. You’re a bad boss. Sorry. Typo. I meant, you’re a badass boss.
      11. You’re an A.W.F.U.L boss. Awesome, wonderful, funny, understanding, and lovely.
      12. You put the her in hero! (For a female boss.)
      13. You put the super in supervisor!
      14. To the person whose job I never, ever, ever want. Thanks for taking the heat! Happy Boss Day!
      15. Today may be Boss’s Day, but every day is employees’ day with a boss like you!


      Boss’s Day words of encouragement

      1. “A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.”-M. D. Arnold
      2. “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” -Ronald Reagan
      3. “The task of the leader is to get their people from where they are to where they have not been.” -Henry Kissinger
      4. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
      5. “A leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself.” -Joel Barker
      6. “People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.” -John C. Maxwell
      7. “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wharton
      8. “Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar.” -Orrin Woodward
      9. “To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.” -Friedrich Nietzsche


      Boss Day kind words

      1. They say, “people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers.” I’m not going anywhere, as long as you’re not going anywhere. Glad to work with you, and excited to see what’s next.
      2. How lucky we are to have a boss who not only has a job to do, but a calling to answer. Your passion inspires us all.
      3. Boss is a role. A great boss is a role model.
      4. They say “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” but no one tells you, “find a boss you love, and work won’t feel like work.” I can’t imagine my days here without you.
      5. We’re all better for knowing you.
      6. You’re more than a boss. You’re an inspiration.
      7. If one day, I’m half the boss that you are, then I’ll be in good shape.
      8. I dreamed about my career for years, but in all my fantasies, I never imagined a boss as great as you!
      9. If you think this card is sweet, then you should hear all the nice things we say about you behind your back!
      10. You are a Boss with a capital B.
      11. You deserve the best day, because you are the best boss.
      12. We know it’s not easy, but you make it look easy.
      13. A manager who never leaves your side is a manager worth looking up to.
      14. You never make us say thank you, which makes us want to thank you all the more. To a boss who never demands credit, but deserves so much of it.
      15. Though you rarely step into the spotlight, you pull the strings and move the scenery so that the show can continue. Today is your day to take a well-deserved bow. Bravo!

      Best Gifts For Boss

      -Credit: team building


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